Monday, March 8, 2021

China vs West


When it comes to Funding Lands of Terrorism or pushing Others for open door policy or planting Massive number of contrived Ruckus somewhere else; there’s ‘no’ difference between China & ‘Some’ Western Nations; except ONE, & that is:


Whilst ‘Some’ Western Nations do it surreptitiously via MSM, Awards, Grants, Social Activities, Welfare;

China does it Openly, without guilt.


In the East, there’re mere Two or Three Nations involved in such activities, BUT, in the West - Many. Furthermore, just read the ‘Stringent’  Immigration System of the said Western Nations. And Irony is, they expect Others to embrace & open doors for Hundreds of Millions, irrespective of Others have any resources or not. How many refugees the said Western Nations end(ed) up embracing? Numbers w.r.t their GDP, that they could’ve easily adjusted, alike, expecting the same way from Others! To how many individuals, from Poor to Rich to Illiterate to Schooled to Ruckus Creators to Radicalsquickly granted Citizenships? Forget about the West, to how many individuals, Oil Rich Wealthy Nations grant citizenships annually, including all above, or have severely relaxed Immigration Policies, what they expect from Others? BUT, just listen to the Voices originating from Wall to Hollywood Street to NOBEL Fleet; about Love & Life; the lectures restricted for Others, irrespective of Others having resources or Not. And ran/run such propaganda for decades via Charities, Organizations, MSM, buying contaminated, locally; all under Free Thought, making soils severely uninhabitable. Absolutely Wrong!

A known enemy is far better than one day end up saying, ‘You too?’ 

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021