Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Convoluted Status Quo!

‘Hands could’ve been less dirtier,’ words, everywhere that would always reverberate. So, pointless to take context of dirt blanketly in present. What gives Oxygen, even with slight dirt on it, let it give! As, today, who’re excessively Politically Correct, would, or their decedents would, in future become Revolutionaries & blame the rest (if or when collapse happens); citing concocted Historical Events. But Never of their own kind!  A pinch of salt is fine but too much of it or none at all, affect taste, & make recipes go bad.

If there’s talk about folk, then too much folk. Art? Plaid. Government Jobs? Easiest way of living! License Raj! Politicians being Capitalists but afraid of being called one in public. And why not? If one took inspirations from Enron, Ranbaxy, Lehman, Hedge Funds alike, who brought bad name to Capitalism; then one certainly would; Rather taking inspirations from genuine ones. Liberals now derive salaries from Unions; in addition to masquerading as being Capitalist. And who imagined that the Left would be enriched by Millionaires!

An ocean is formed by drops of water only. Indeed! But the Time isn’t today to wait for every drop to fill the Ocean; As we’re living in Convoluted Status Quo!

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021