The term Human Progress via DATA is Misdirection! Firstly, if you believe in DATA, then accept of being stringent supporter of foundations built on cost-benefit ratio, practicality & pragmatism. So, I feel amused when LEFT cite DATA SCIENCE about Human Progress BUT at the same time, calls for building foundations of Sharing Caring, Open Borders to Everything else! JOKE!
you run your own budget efficient/deficit house, any Nation too
progresses, accordingly, if & when DATA is your concern!
Like noted Physicist Lee Smolin wrote that the progress in Physics stopped in 80s
(compared to past) & beyond, due to not thinking the way Physicists
afore use to, & further rather relying on the present measures
in herd (citing example of String Theory) (I’ve not
worded in verbatim, of course). Similarly, the Human Progress, if we measure
via DATA, then it’s a dead end, because it isn’t Human Progress, it’s in
actuality indication of, HUMAN DEVOLUTION. For Example: You can’t via
DATA quote terms of Human Progress, that one who was receiving One
time meal once, now receive Two times. Absurd! Humans shouldn’t have
been stooped to this Low, reaching to this situation for Decades
or Centuries, that now DATA calculates the times of meals they intake,
to reflect Human Progress; OR to evaluate less wars or species
of animals getting extinct or the increased age of humans or number of people
educated (not using the term schooling as I despise it) on yoy
basis, & the list goes on. This isn’t measuring Human Progress! This is Embarrassment!
Our fate to reach to such situation is an indication or premonition of near
about to collapse entire civilization, maybe as species. For Example, if someone
few decades from now cites: DATA analysis shows that the intake capacity
of Oxygen supplied to All, has been increased from this level to that;
would it be considered as a measure or sign of Human Progress? NAH NAH NAH!
Science is basically a statistical model. Please note that I’m only pointing
out the concerns when such models are used to reflect supra issues statistically,
in the name of Human Progress; which is honestly similar to, when
loathed in Muck, you’re discussing the ecstatic pleasurable orgasmic
scent of Hugo Boss, statistically! 😊
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021