Friday, January 29, 2021

The Glitch


A man once stuck in the midst of street,

Had ‘a’ chance to change the course;

But circle in betwixt took to four directions,

Alas! Man had one choice & a call to enforce.


Signals weren’t nearby nor anyone on feet,

Who could be stopped as all proceeded in fleet;

Ain’t texts to go through nor anyone to meet,

To know how far each direction goes, what to greet?


Rational be to await till be guided; but until bleed,

Whilst consciousness be to commence towards unknown;

A voice within, to the spirit, showed a direction,

Amidst pandemonium on streets; quietude grown.


The glitch: Voice of rational or spiritual or from beyond realm,

Aimed to take one stuck in midst, to different shades;

As course by quietude what conferred, was distinct too,

Had been any feet thereby? Direction too then was certain!  

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021