Thursday, November 5, 2020

An Instructed Enemy

When I hear many raised voices,

Directed which to behind enemy lines;

I say, worth not raising fingers,

On an instructed enemy’s canines!

 As since beginning, dharma of such,

Is to follow per se instructions told;

Complicit shalt be the Four Pillars!

That paved way for canines to be rolled.


Conscious of such enemy we ain’t control,

Who might defy the decree to do right;

But we aren’t conscious enough to foretell,

And discern who’s against or on our side.


So if Four Pillars crafted paths for decades,

Then voices must be restricted first to base;

A jungle can’t be crossed until king’s consent!

Hoping king’s conscious can discern any face.😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020