Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Spooky Affair

 If all in particle & particle in all,

In it apprehensible present & bygone;

If unparallel but matryoshka dolls?

Spyglass isn’t only way to look beyond?


If entangled each luminescent, knows,

Spooky affairs affects & pose;

And if what when affected at miniscule,

Illumined one, if looked not afar but close?


What stands in front, may go unheeded,

In pursuit of unseen unknown, maybe unseeded;

And when if every particle encoded features,

So, one too can sit wherever to watch acts & seasons?


Complexities within complex structures are out,

Don’t know if what consume light; too align us;

And if ‘nil’ is probability of conventional whereabout,

Ah! We still not in an era to say ‘know all,’ loud. 😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020