Saturday, October 24, 2020

Four Pillars

 A trojan horse accomplishes its aim,

As & when four pillars confer it a spyglass;

Soils ain’t become sterile in year or two,

And until four pillars' decree, pave way in masse.


Why culpable one be affirmed instant, as takes decades,

For any land to go down down; no dumbfound!

Know it! Doable only by who reviled the originals most,

Surreptitiously conscript sans any sound!


Know it! Masquerade these to please, such sleaze,

Can bloom ubiquitously, aren’t seasonal;

Why? As in multiple enwreathe flowers what shines,

In want for more, such if commended? Beyond reasonable!


Hence, not an iota is moved unless four pillars, endorse,

So, shalt not condemn trojan horse instead;

As & if, when & where, via whatever, four pillars,

Complicit, if sanctioned ravage by hybrids!

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020