Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Liberalism isn’t Liberalism, Anymore!

Hyphenated or not, Liberalism is basically an extension of Left. And there isn’t such a thing in ‘present’ as Liberal Right as it would then void definition of present Liberalism defined by the Mainstream. I’m not here to write or elucidate what’s already written in books or Wikipedia (albeit sometimes manipulative) as that would be an absolute ctrl a+c+v & further pointless to add one more selfsame content in the online indexing.......

The question is about authenticity. And Liberalism ain’t authentic anymore. Because, according to mainstream, Liberalism in present should be aligned absolutely with Left, so as to be considered being Liberal. So, henceforth, nothing wrong too in also being considered as an absolute Right! And why we find such present form of Liberalism in democratic lands, condemning the same democracy which has given them the right to condemn, BUT, never ever in an actual, on paper, undemocratic lands?

At least two millennium late we’re in Inventions & Research as the time in between got absolutely dragged in being doing things monotonous! And now, in present, Liberalism is acting as a catalyst repeating the similar things.

What do we mean by Liberal ideas? In present times, these ideas have been distorted & wrongly interpreted, just like past.

BUT, authentic Liberalism would be wherein accepted ideas as defined herein under:

·      Inclusive not all unless genuine incompatibilities resolved.

·    There ain’t Left or Right but like a pendulum keeping an eye. (as being in 5th dimension)

·    Embracing isn’t embracing all, unless, all ameliorated & no discord.

·   Won’t let better be ruined or made to fall, come what may, even without being on remuneration or any top down call.

·      Not all can be Liberals authentic, as that’s something inherited!

·  Never exploit decency of originals anywhere as founding fathers are distinct for different nations everywhere!

But, in analogous to present times, I say:

There's 'nothing' left in Liberalism, AS, Liberalism is 'structurally' Left; Being absolute Right is Justified, AS, former too ain't absolute Perfect! 😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020