If ancient civilizations were advance enough to inhabit planets, exoplanets or traverse interstellar, as contended by ancient theorists, astronomers & excavators, then is it possible that what ancient civilizations witnessed fate & lost its glories rather taking homo sapiens closer to the ultimate truth, present day homo sapiens too would reach the same conclusion in near future, come what may, let’s say, if in the case of time being cyclic?
Or could it have a different possibility? Or, maybe, can it have today an impression of the past infinite cycles (a flashback) & we still have something related to ancient through those impressions or hiding in other dimensions? I’m not speaking about immortality or time dilation or longevity of age (which is again still not been proven wrong & could be a possibility, which for humankind may always remain unseen of to experience with) BUT just relating itinerary in linearity of time but in cycles, with different or similar infinite possibilities/probabilities. When we theorized about terraforming MARS, as EARTH could face similar fate in near future, then does that explicitly confirm the presence of ancient civilizations on MARS, in the past? May be in present too? Same goes with Saturn’s satellites’, Venus etc. or further beyond our SS to Galaxies! Or are we in the initial phase of hopping from one planet to another, but are slow as being in the past?Simulation
theory is also based on the fact that we might keep developing the
AR/AI/Holographic advanced models to the extent that we end up being consumed
by the same via advanced civilization
(i.e. us) in near Future &
become part of the simulation structure! If the present have infinite possibilities,
then is it under different cycles or all under one only? And would it be
repetitive with selfsame or different conclusions?
still skeptical about originating from nothing part. And doesn’t what change from
one form to another BUT cannot be created nor destroyed, becomes contradictory
in itself; unless rephrased? Mere an alternate perspective when discerned word
by word!
So, if time is cyclic, then is it repetitive
in continuation with infinite 'distinct' possibilities OR continuation with
events being repetitive with 'same' infinite possibilities; BUT all under
infinite cycles or loop? Confounding!
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020