Thursday, September 24, 2020

An Organic What It’s

What’s organic? A conscious fare,

Dipping in its natural flare;

Nutrients sheen, from farm fresh,

Touch of hands, stroke of care.


Coercive isn’t as it evolves, breathe,

As supposed to as an ancient seed;

If not, still carried such treats,

Since its origin grows, to all feed.


Alas! Bathed when in the fertilized, dipped,

Or transmuted texture, rebuilt;

Infertile soil, so remains sheen,

Momentary escape from being barren sheath.


So, let the scent that always remained,

And what never wrecked or relegate;

Indeed, shalt grown in its organic taste,

Else quantified book with unfilled each page. 😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020