Saturday, August 29, 2020

R as Relation

Basic rule -> If aRb & bRc then aRc, where R is a Relation.

Now, an analogy!

It’s a well known lesson taught in all Institutes that, ‘one who covers you in shit is not always your enemy & one who takes you out of shit, is not necessarily your friend!’

So, what made globalism ended up being considered as an enemy of all? A simple explanation! No trajectories required!

Globalists -> R -> Liberals -> R -> Rogue Liberals -> R -> Corruptible!

So, Globalists -> R -> Corruptible!

Pinch of salt in food is good & indispensable! But too much salt, unacceptable!

And too much salt resulted in thwarting fabrics & then came retaliating originals!

When anticipating ‘Productivity’ from all sides, then don’t expect anything else except ‘productivity’!

And as Globalists’ minds were/are narrow, restricted & can’t think beyond similar terms like productivity, trajectory, all utterly bookish, they ended up consuming almost anything. Furthermore, too much interference, lecturing, domino effect, had put a blot on their character.   

When they thought they were in the filth, they didn’t swim for a better place. When they thought they were out of filth, they didn’t clean themselves. And the scent of theirs’ time down the line never ameliorated, which ought to have never been the case.

Is globalism indispensable? Of course, it is! But unless you take cognizance of perceptible evolutionary traits, you’re going down. And even if expensive PR helps taking you out of shit, there isn’t any way forward. Ever! 😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020