Monday, August 10, 2020

Protests amidst Pandemic

No doubt DJT, NAMO, BIBI, ABE, MORRISON, JOHNSON, JMB were on target of few Globalists who called for ousting of all RW Leaders across globe. But in the month of JAN-FEB, debate got heated as couple of Globalists not only openly threatened to oust RW leaders by Year End BUT also made funding available to do so. I don’t take names as long as aren’t required.

Now understand my context. It’s no more about any ideology but how far individual(s) can go to execute plans to win ideological warfare. We still don’t know the origin of Pandemic, the Covid Virus. Presume, repeating, just presume, if this virus was synthetic & ain’t Natural, & directly indirectly kindred to the threat mentioned supra, then do know that a dangerous precedence has been set which won’t stop in 2020 but until any motive is achieved. And this has opened Pandora boxes all across domains for distinct ideologies to go to any extent to execute their plans & which is merely the beginning.

But Protests amidst Pandemic is utterly confounding. Unfathomable! Are these Protestors (Professional or not) already vaccinated or given antidotes? Are these Protestors in direct collaboration with those who issued bounties to oust RW leaders across globe by bringing economies down & ruining the medical infrastructure? Where everyone is locked & worried about future and as these protestors aren’t even afraid of the deadliest virus, were they prepared for months before protests triggered, for immunization? OR;

There could be another presumption that these protests are a bi-tri-partisan plan to attain Herd Immunity & what any other way but to bring people on roads for days & months to achieve that sooner?

No idea what would be the way forward or is there any way forward or not BUT Exiting globalism (not absolutely of course) would be the best way forward for world as it's merely restricted now to dumping own complexes on each other. Most of doctrines suck, so as who promote them!

Understand!  A weak ideology absolutely depends on funding, protests, ruckus 'as' it cannot prove or elucidate any point co-related to it in discussions, nor any way forward! Hence, we've innumerous funded planted everywhere, who without above three, cannot thrive! And who dictate instructions behind veil would never ever be the recipient of any disgust!

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020