Tuesday, August 4, 2020

How Globalism* (*it) Ended!

I can name & shame, too cite any clause,

But that’s facsimile, defective, being imperfect;

Still if inscribed to be noticed or seek ackers,

Ah! Then restricted I shalt be to mere one sect.


So, why blame who equate ‘it’ with hell?

As such restricted dwell in well;

If globalism ought to have forever thrived!

How it landed in dungeons, now barely survive?


What happened in due course is explicable,

As assembled all funded discontented feeble;

And one by one on paper inscribed,

From complexes to guilt to misusing plights!


Not all are saints nor shopkeepers,

Nor be any land that could thrive in unison;

Who’s mentor who’s mentee, unascertained,

Teachers aren’t any, mentees never gained!

Came a time when ‘it’ saw one trait,

Who could dream most & who shares’ take.

Alas! All hungry in one room were each other’s bait.

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020