Monday, July 13, 2020


If xRy, then yRx under Symmetry in a certain Set.

Merely using this as an analogy or metaphor or to elucidate the context of one recent research conducted which attached strings of two distinct aspects of traits into one by relating Virtuous to a Narcissist/Fascist. So, I conduce w.r.t. that analogy:

If Virtuous -> Narcissist || Fascist, then Fascist || Narcissist -> Virtuous.

Why screech then, if used either, as per symmetry?

And so goes with Virtuous Victim Signaling. As in accordance with the study, I interpret that a proud fascist, neo whatever, can be a ‘virtuous’ victim too who could be a believer of everything upgraded, like others, & as being virtuous, can have no ill trait. Am I justified?

Researches as itself ‘may not’ be wrong. Its Interpretations & Interpreters are, or maybe who inducted it. Just as how some interpret statutes or laws or future technologies (eg. flying cars vs. tunnels) or ideological perspectives or economies. But if there’re no interpretations, then of course, there’re no debates nor suits, as everything is defined in books with definitions. No Appeals. No Conflicts. No Counter Contentions. Read all in verbatim, word by word, line by line & page by page &, Resolved! So why not correctly interpret any research or for the sake of a good fabric, not even start such irrelevant researches.

Travesty is, there’re researches being conducted on behalf of Funders for their want of others to interpret things in accordance with their ‘own’ belief or to cover their own footprints from past. But do such researches even make sense except being published & peer reviewed or some management institute including in their syllabus for training? For how long one would exploit the inferiority complexes of the people across globe knowing such existence is in abundance! Is that even ethical? And would that even serve any purpose eventually?

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020