Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Fall of Learning!

What foremost Centres of Learning became!

Who were revered by their mere names;

Labefaction instituted back, maybe two decade,

Schooled! Never Educated! What a shame!


A market where merchants gossiped,

Exaggerated acts, learning skipped;

Pusillanimous never ameliorate, I say,

Its conclusions could be witnessed today.


You put water to boil & wait,

Won’t boil indeed, immediate;

As process of it takes more time,

Than boiling point, which eventually arrive.


No pandemic or endemic or recession,

Included to justify solitary chant;

But if had iota of wakefulness of what ameliorate,

Foundations wouldn’t have fallen in quicksand. :(  

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020