Saturday, July 4, 2020

A Solitaire Mountain

A solitaire mountain that once symbolized,

On which few aimed for xtreme;

Whereas some pledged to live in conjunction,

It too witnessed for years pain & screams.


Sheer cumbersome, if placed over,

One shalt see what’s beneath;

If been burdened unwarranted,

Reflect early or may see dust & heat.


When mountain of such witnessed,

Gave shelter too amidst Nature’s fulmination,

But when dug or shattered in,

Learn afore! Solitaire mountain’s compression.


A fire isn’t inside fire as it’s fire itself,

Look where what when or its sheen;

And if envisioned atmost what solitaire can unveil!

Wait & Reflect! As such conceptions never heal! 😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020