Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Lessons from Pandemic - 2020

Few things 2020 Pandemic taught us:

  1.   Tech is Overrated;
  2.  We know nothing about Human Body & Mind;
  3.  Inventions > RE-Search || Marketing || Being Part of Any Financial Street.

Some wrote in Op-eds that Science never had Funding. That’s Wrong! Science always had Funding. Alas, Perspectives & Priorities differed. How? Let’s take an example. What would be Preferred more - Cure of Cancer OR Continuous Medications / Surgeries? Of course, latter. The reason is so obvious.

Means, who could’ve anticipated that in 2020 Pandemic, similar Protocols would be followed in the World what were followed a Century back. Back then, understandable! But in 2020?   

For once forget about Conspiracy Theories or Conduct of Global MSM. The question ensues is - if in the year 2020, in five months since outbreak, the World was still Repeating term ‘Contain it’ rather ‘Treat it’, then somewhere, Science failed the World! Remember, One should keep ameliorating, rest would join in due course. But, that didn’t happen! Period! The World was spending more Time & especially ‘Funding’ proving who’s right or wrong in Arguments, Contrived Activism/Protests RATHER in Science OR now I would even contend to include Alternate Science. Sadly, none in the World ended up ameliorating the Fabric in Five Months. Only statistical models were presented projecting number of fatalities or recovered. Century old same Amplification - Theory to ‘Contain it’. Déjà vu!

If out of 100, 3 people become Astronauts, then would they ‘wait’ to commence their journey for ISS until remaining ones also become Astronauts first? I’m too a strong believer of General AI. Super Intelligent AI. Interstellar Travel. Why? Because that’s Ameliorating! KNOWING!

Yup! Way of Life, Quality of Thoughts, Habits, Trust, Lies, Compatibility, Incompatibility - All play a major factor in ameliorating the Fabric. And further this is wrong to say, ‘we’re one’ for the reason that we all differ in thoughts & perceptions & wherein certain things cannot be included under same ambit, until ameliorated.

For instance, the definition of ‘Elite’ or ‘Educated’ for me is poles apart compared to what others believe because that’s what maybe I learnt since beginning.

Where’s the World standing, not sure! If Subject Z is responsible for something, presumed, then other ‘responsible’ entities must be prepared to ‘instantly’ neutralize the effect at such times, when the conduct / intentions of the Subject were/are questionable. Period!

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2020