Thursday, December 31, 2020

Vibrations of Nations!


The reason why I support Trump is not Trumpism (which is territorial), BUT, because of Trump & Trump only, which is Global, and furthermore, who was one of the most important LEGO building block, along with other major aligned alike Global Leaders, needed to control a deteriorated World. 


There’s this one definition, or I say, misconception, which is famous & in verbatim chanted everywhere; that, only great economies build great Nations; which is of course a myth; or else, great Empires in the past wouldn’t have actually fallen like deck of cards.

Thursday, December 10, 2020



A riveted art or mere manifestation?

Prints of which untraceable or testament?

What deeper it proclaim is time forthwith,

Which arrived as a call for another gift.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Rocket Scientist or Rocket Engineer?


A Rocket Engineer cannot build any functional Rocket without applying Principles of Science. Thence, technically, he/she is a Rocket Scientist & not Rocket Engineer. Science is plinth of Engineering & Technology. Science cannot be considered as mere Discovering or else Engineering & Technology too would become mere RE-Search & never Inventions.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Constructing Who……

Plinth & floors in no time,

All else locked but it shalt made to rise;

When noise no more felt nor pain,

Seeing, constructing who at last engaged.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Without ‘?,’ there’s no Science!


Let’s take example of Consciousness. We learned about it via expertise of different experts and each one of them can counter or ‘?’ others’ claims, findings & opinions. As, is it mere attentiveness or alertness or memory or subjective experience or illusions or intuitions or being awakened or sense of being awakened or cosmic external connection via energies & so on; but we were able to learn about its different forms. And that’s the beauty of Science! How? Because of presence of ‘?,’ counter findings, contradictory reviews; as nothing presently exists in singularity or in absolute. And shouldn’t be even considered in that perspective, at least up till present......

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Don’t Shackle Science!

If you think, Science,

Is in absolute theorize;

Ain’t necessitated reviews then,

An outcome; & all obliged.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Masquerading are Your Masters!


If you think Globalism is restricted to mere cost benefit ratio, then you’re wrong. Similar to if you think those centuries/millennium/millennia old expansionists views had anything to do with trade or cultural diversity or reformation. Albeit I’m not including all Globalists, because there’re some who either are truly restricted to trade or want exchange of great ideas, but, they aren’t as powerful as those few individuals whose references you won’t even see in daily mainstream.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Captain

The Captain once engaged to sail,

Ship, so sumptuous, all hailed;

Myriad beauty, sky high,

On deck, many, saying, goodbye.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

This is the Globalist Way

This is the globalist way,

If muck here, muck everywhere;

You tied by it,

Descried or lied by it!

Should you know, 

Conscious enough to know?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

An Instructed Enemy

When I hear many raised voices,

Directed which to behind enemy lines;

I say, worth not raising fingers,

On an instructed enemy’s canines!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Ideological Dilemma

When Leftists blamed Millionaires,

I read their ideology, descried them for sure;

Until Millionaires funded back in return,

As a gracious gesture? To allure?

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Terminal

Not in all terminals one alight, except few,

One descend, reboard or sojourn;

Or stay longer too where weren’t supposed,

Processing still what shalt be the terms.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Victim Card

Desires exponentially increase,

As descendants grow with time;

So whilst releasing unexpired Cards,

Know, no antidote for insolent flies.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Two Sides of Same Coin

I saw an indigent & affluent, were worried,

As who in modern times, shalt stand next in line!

One thought would add another hand,

Whilst another, two more to assert, what’s mine.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Four Pillars

 A trojan horse accomplishes its aim,

As & when four pillars confer it a spyglass;

Soils ain’t become sterile in year or two,

And until four pillars' decree, pave way in masse.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020



Once a senior noted well-heeled Politician exuded his feelings in an interview, saying, that he never wanted his own descendants to live in poverty or to witness what he himself experienced, so he had to make ackers through *all* means. Albeit, I’ve rephrased the sentence, but conclusion is precise. But what one lesson we can learn from this mere one statement? That eradicating poverty too won’t help any fabric. What I’m saying since beginning is, understand -> It’s no longer about what Left/Liberal or Right think, i.e., Left/Liberals keep asserting that poor/well-heeled would be better, WHEREAS, middle class are trustworthy, contend Right, usually. But the fact is, neither eradicating poverty porn nor CSR/Charity of well-heeled or trust of middle class, can assist, furthermore. As society, in absolute, basically malformed; horrible than hopeless. A poor would be as much hungry as the well-heeled is, even when it becomes one, & so goes the same for middle/higher middle class too. All interchangeable!

Monday, October 19, 2020


We remain rooted; except our actions!

That with environs, tweak!

Are these cloak -&-dagger superficial acts?

Or mere angst further for more sweets!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Case in TECH of Rise & Fall!

IOS (APPLE) might overtake ANDROID in India in few years regardless of their pricing amidst post China embargo & protests, & furthermore, custom ANDROIDs (Funtouch/Oxygen/MiUi/Colour) share might slowly deplete, if not wholly, regardless of their pricing. Albeit it was an opportunity for Nokia to re-establish its current Market share with more customizable ANDROID based mid-range models in India, knowing Samsung is the only player right now, but, seems Nokia going Blackberry way. And furthermore, how Twitter would go down as an organization with low-slung standards, and, how tech giants even with restricted businesses or products or services, are connected & influence each other. All in this blog!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


If one seeks, in narrowing,

What’s oblivion; unveils!

Then, no end to splitting,

As overlays in oblivion too in discreet.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

What’s, a Citizen?

A king 'now & then' has to be complicit as he ain’t saint,

As whenever wherever pleaded? In aftermath-> pain!

But what makes a citizen of any land as decreed,

When echoed being kindred to, maybe of distinct creed!

Saturday, October 10, 2020


 In such a time we all live,

Where a Leftist, millionaire,

& wannabe Capitalist, indigent;

From residential addresses,

Who of posh of poshest,

Screech! I ain’t Capitalist; Still!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Spooky Affair

 If all in particle & particle in all,

In it apprehensible present & bygone;

If unparallel but matryoshka dolls?

Spyglass isn’t only way to look beyond?

Monday, October 5, 2020


As she told tales & rhymed her pride,

Stories of ancient glories she lived;

Withstood dire straits through strides,

Upheld aesthetics in the fire or floret.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Canvas

The other day I thought to paint a tree,

So bought a canvas & paints in my, box;

As offered mere one, rest inaccessible,

An upshot to draw with aesthetics I want.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Cause & Effect?

The cycle of cause & effect,

One defines as an onward road;

Such exemplars even justified?

If cycle is in loop & closed door!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Science is Unbounded

Who says Science bounded to STEM?

May’ve not read ancient realms!

In archaeology too, when uncondensed,

Unfolds, on what conventional never time spent.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 A blueprint what constitutes all,

Distinct, embedded sheathed;

Unanimated, until structures breathed,

What matter used; matters, as built!

Saturday, September 26, 2020


‘Cogito, ergo sum.’ Means, ‘I Think, therefore I’m,’ was a statement made by René Descartes. A mind that’s detached from the body!

Einstein once quoted, ‘The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.’

Friday, September 25, 2020



Minimalism doesn’t mean to go archaic or to detach from worldly affairs. Minimalism is to exist alongside immense R&D, extreme science & engineering, originality, creativity, BUT, being Minimalist in traits to the extent that one doesn’t need to misuse anything in excessive, unnecessarily. Three things we must remember:

Thursday, September 24, 2020

An Organic What It’s

What’s organic? A conscious fare,

Dipping in its natural flare;

Nutrients sheen, from farm fresh,

Touch of hands, stroke of care.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Absent BUT Evident

There’s a common saying, absence of evidence doesn’t mean evidence of absence. Indeed, an ill-intent sowed perspective cannot be proven complicit due to presence of free will (which again is the foundation stone of this fabric). But its repercussions could be observed & analyzed via direct & indirect impressions, with time. For example, let’s say a complicit theory or doctrine is being floated. Now under free will, cogent evidence against direct ill-will/ill-intent would always remain absent, except, what could remain would be observations w.r.t. indirect deterioration of anything made to encircle it via expansive impressions, spread through mainstream or not. As such perspectives cannot be made complicit too, the only way, not to reach till that stage is, by keeping scent intact. Of what?

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Lord of Rings

As passively as it moves,

Slanted; rings beyond sky;

On pole lies hexagon,

Another, a splendid eye!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 Except before or beyond our flesh,

What’s betwixt is a closed order;

And I or you assemble feats built,

Otherwise, to never caved in, rather.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

IF Time Cyclic?

If ancient civilizations were advance enough to inhabit planets, exoplanets or traverse interstellar, as contended by ancient theorists, astronomers & excavators, then is it possible that what ancient civilizations witnessed fate & lost its glories rather taking homo sapiens closer to the ultimate truth, present day homo sapiens too would reach the same conclusion in near future, come what may, let’s say, if in the case of time being cyclic?

Monday, September 14, 2020


Once a Well that satiated thirst,

Of those around souls alive;

And not a drop of it that lost,

Never paved to nurture contrived.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Gemini Stance


When mainstream Liberalism absolutely surrendered to Left, birth of mainstream Right became inevitable which is entirely justified. Not the Liberal ideas, BUT ‘contemporary’ Liberals helped in deteriorating fabrics, systematically, in a step by step process, acting as a catalyst in every step -> backward. So goes with Centrists! Have you ever seen Liberals living alongside muck?


Said she, ‘Precincts let beauties thrive,

So shalt be at distance, the divine!’

Could not be conversed even stuck in reek,

Made such harangue, precincts she seeks!

Friday, September 11, 2020

We’re All Indexed!

 Indexed online, indexed pages,

Indexed superfluous since ages;

Searches indexed far reaching what,

Per se in quantity in unenlightened mazes!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Liberalism isn’t Liberalism, Anymore!

Hyphenated or not, Liberalism is basically an extension of Left. And there isn’t such a thing in ‘present’ as Liberal Right as it would then void definition of present Liberalism defined by the Mainstream. I’m not here to write or elucidate what’s already written in books or Wikipedia (albeit sometimes manipulative) as that would be an absolute ctrl a+c+v & further pointless to add one more selfsame content in the online indexing.......

Monday, September 7, 2020


 What’s fundamental since inception; spreads,

Grows to build abodes, its fruits never end;

If tainted, alas, clustered with wild in closed,

Know! What’s perceivable, isn’t as supposed!

Friday, September 4, 2020

‘Knowledge that should’ve never been bequeathed’

An old aphorism there’s what unveils truth,

That knowledge is a precious gift;

Greater its intensity, more force it brings,

Conscientious obligation, coated with guilt!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Shutter on an Island

 Being Escapist; protects one’s coverage,

As escapism confers prospects’; never rage;

Indeed, promising offerings keep in race,

Alas! What worth such when escaped to ace!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

AI Implants in Brain -> Reality behind Necessity


Einstein’s general relativity was corroborated almost 100 years later via LIGO. Indeed, doubts were raised about availability of direct precise data, but so far more gravitational waves were detected, as published. But, why it took almost a century to corroborate? And what if it hadn’t happened or never happened? What could be the repercussions?

Saturday, August 29, 2020

R as Relation

Basic rule -> If aRb & bRc then aRc, where R is a Relation.

Now, an analogy!

It’s a well known lesson taught in all Institutes that, ‘one who covers you in shit is not always your enemy & one who takes you out of shit, is not necessarily your friend!’

Friday, August 28, 2020

Bread & Circus

Sports were meant for Fitness or Entertainment or both! But eventually, it became a subject of worshipping, & if not that extreme, an academic measure for intellect whilst enrollment. A similar case happened with cinema. Oh! Of course I’m in love with great cinema & theatre & was into sports for fitness myself (lawn tennis) long back, so I cannot be biased quoting this. If Sports teach us sportsmen spirit then great cinema or theatre reflect(ed) future (sci-fi) & societal changes (drama). The same goes with music.

The Dark Bright

 When whispered, ‘Darkest times,’

Is mere an erroneous analogy;

As Dark is what contained,

Eulogies time to time, in entirety.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Species Another!

 A lie isn’t, as what’s excavated were read,

Scriptures interpreted, on ‘as is’ basis, said;

Borrowed sorrows & distinguished shades,

What graded as light, what’s in dark grade.

Monday, August 24, 2020


Were told, always been unaccompanied,

Across continents or distinct terrain;

Until conjectures on billboards fell,

Like intended what, when collapse in vain.

Friday, August 21, 2020

What Darkness?

 Look! Who says, ‘these dark times!’

With sissy schadenfreude lines;

But dark’s mere metaphor, unreal,

Photons too might have canines.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

If you truly cared……

Who endowed for fossils are now engaged,

In endorsing it less & enforcing green in rage;

Magnify to have few pages left to be read,

Through vulnerable teens or whoever is fed.

The ‘Un’democratic

Love for climate to abate its wrath,

And for egalitarianism; Oh! But on streets harass;

Alas! Fanatic lustrous nights, never spent in shacks,

Nor fastest route circumvented as always packed.

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Rift

 There’s a Wall that ain’t buttress trust,

A Street where woke liberals rust;

Journal in which both inscribe,

As indoctrinated to promote when high.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Rhythm House

Equilateral, hexagonal,

Notice nature’s geometric lines;

Might affect all in parallel,

Or one in blare, another shines.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Dilemma of Hyphenation

Absolute naïve perceptions when jumbled ‘hyphenated whatever origin’ & ‘actual originals.’ Understandable! Lack of knowledge or inept thoughtfulness about the originals anywhere plays key role. As I said earlier, mere traversing the world won’t give someone the essence of original lands nor of the inhabited originals that or who existed for centuries or maybe thousands of years, as it takes entire life to understand barely ‘one’ land.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Protests amidst Pandemic

No doubt DJT, NAMO, BIBI, ABE, MORRISON, JOHNSON, JMB were on target of few Globalists who called for ousting of all RW Leaders across globe. But in the month of JAN-FEB, debate got heated as couple of Globalists not only openly threatened to oust RW leaders by Year End BUT also made funding available to do so. I don’t take names as long as aren’t required.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Excessive Anything

 Excessive anything brings disarray,

Be love or hate, lust or one’s pride;

If once induced in disproportionate,

Like inflated balloons confined a life.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

How Globalism* (*it) Ended!

I can name & shame, too cite any clause,

But that’s facsimile, defective, being imperfect;

Still if inscribed to be noticed or seek ackers,

Ah! Then restricted I shalt be to mere one sect.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Conspiracy Theorists VS. Mainstream

Fascination of theirs’ might be seen,

As stuck in chronicles of mainstream;

But when always narrate whatsoever,

Mere anticipation to be ‘illumined’ forever!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Words on Beach

As walking in sand past waves,

Saw an abode illumined with rays;

No walls nor any gates,

In eyes were reflections, insatiate.

Friday, July 31, 2020

The Shepherd’s Clause

Sheep who roam in ranches, peaks,

Tranquil, as ain’t gutted in trench;

Shepherd knows, albeit sheep not few,

Shalt follow clauses they, not eschew.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Free Thinker

In any quadrant a thinker may fall,

Conformist not or aye, one may avow;

Alas! One can’t escape pattern built!

If escaped, an untrue thinker one is no more!

Depth OR Distance

Know how distinct depth is from distance,

Wherein one dives into deepest;

In latter merely floats,

Sailing isn’t descend, nor bring any zest.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Uniform, isn’t!

One couldn’t ascertain in any jungle,

As all in unison or uniform are traits?

If opined otherwise; aren’t any roads,

To traverse where one won’t be bait.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

System Within <-> System Outside

Revolutionize one cannot a system, closed,

As long as external influences surge;

And if within a system to all be nurtured,

Then one shalt oust first who tried to purge!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Look behind

IF from ashes of sacrifices modern world built,

Against tyranny who stood & fate tilted;

If assumed verbatim! World’s inhabited with guileless,

Buried under own liabilities & complexes.


Who says who stays in race,

Decisive is one who never lose pace!

Alas! In muck if unidirectional dragged,

Then change pace, so too track.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Circumventing Defect

A defect in provision or law cannot be used to ascertain any fact or adhere to standards unless the defect in itself is first rectified or amended. One cannot circumvent the mere fact that interpretation matters & further, course of natural justice & interpretation of provisions would always collide, wherever genuinely needed. But where we have to circumvent depends on the situation involved & recipients. Hence, I would always contend for cognizance of perceptible evolutionary traits. And if not been taken, the interpretations done would dilute the whole meaning of circumventing which would only mean defect in conclusions.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Ain’t wrong being conservative,

So goes valuing liberal;

Blended if, Empyrean!

Amidst, let authenticity always unfurled.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

If Natural…...

If Natural, welcomed, even its wrath,

But what if it isn’t & sown by few?

Once would be misfortune, twice calamity,

And if ain’t acted, then never such eschewed.

Monday, July 13, 2020


If xRy, then yRx under Symmetry in a certain Set.

Merely using this as an analogy or metaphor or to elucidate the context of one recent research conducted which attached strings of two distinct aspects of traits into one by relating Virtuous to a Narcissist/Fascist. So, I conduce w.r.t. that analogy:

If Virtuous -> Narcissist || Fascist, then Fascist || Narcissist -> Virtuous.

Why screech then, if used either, as per symmetry?

Friday, July 10, 2020

Cancel Culture

Irrespective of any affiliation to MSM or not or amount of coverage, whatsoever (categorically stating deterioration of quality of main stream in the last couple of decades is not a myth), idea of cancel culture is appalling. But again emerges its two variants:

·       Territorial

·       Global

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Poor/Rich Debate

Firstly, whoever laid the foundation of ‘cancel culture’ everywhere must never be defended ‘anywhere’ when they themselves suffer its impact!

Secondly, the Poor/Rich debate is old & several partisan arguments - counter arguments can be put & published. Material of that too is available in libraries (online/within walls). But all are almost similar. Selfsame ideologies involved with similar outlandish uninteresting concepts & definitions from universal basic income to taxing rich to free everything to share in the production & profit to state hold to private hold to PPP to ruckus & riots to demands to unions to revolution to let them eat cakes to 1% to silent voices to control over economies to manipulated markets to few funders to world police to loan waivers & it goes on & on & on.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Fall of Learning!

What foremost Centres of Learning became!

Who were revered by their mere names;

Labefaction instituted back, maybe two decade,

Schooled! Never Educated! What a shame!

Monday, July 6, 2020


A land is built by virtuous seeds,

Where saints who not bargain, breed;

But where surrogates of merchants teach,

Life of such Land mere few hundred reach.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Shifting Shapes

A curious case of some campaigners,

Who curate causes but let it cuffed;

Resisted rejoinders always,

Unless puffery stars in it are stuffed!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

What Covid Taught!

Ain’t taught about to care all,

Nor to live in unison;

Mere metaphor it’s to say,

This is Darwinism, measure own’s position.

A Solitaire Mountain

A solitaire mountain that once symbolized,

On which few aimed for xtreme;

Whereas some pledged to live in conjunction,

It too witnessed for years pain & screams.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Shape of Art

Shape of an Art in any form,

And what protruded craft;

May not be harmed or swinged!

Illumined be all via its original draft.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


You exile some things in life,

In backasswards, why it even shined?

Of what takers were many, not few,

Abhorrent conceived as well as what they Opined.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Mark

A splash of spot if spattered on face,

& Locked shackled in closet abandoned from race;

May it be locked for a generation or more!

But for how long? As longer as the Time isn’t sure!

Thursday, June 25, 2020


Greatest might be Great, won’t dispute,

But even moon looks bright from afar,

Who walked over it knew spots it had,

So why greatest be not known with scars?

Friday, June 19, 2020

Love & Hate

Hate isn’t always a misdeed,

In ‘Love All’ never always lies good deed!

Why context of Hate is discerned,

In verbatim, as it isn’t defined with few terms?

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Stage

Mere perceiving an act, never conduce,

Theories, as were puppets in it infused?

As part of audience if you watch any play,

Know before engraving, did puppets too have any say?

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Hypocrisy

Who says world is in unison?

This shalt exist always with time!

Time you ain’t understand,

And dare exemplify, what’s destined?

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


The boxes were small on plinths,

Not many but never distinct;

Quest to touch sky via concrete,

Erected in disarray, not in discrete.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

With Reference to ‘Another’ Context

This is in continuation of my immediate precedent blog viz. The curious case of the term -> 'Fact Checked' w.r.t. Social Media.

Travesty was, presumptions auto converted into facts which in turn became unwritten doctrines whose ghost authors were never found & as always were hidden behind veils in apocalyptic bunkers misusing puppets around sphere who danced on blood floors on their behest . And this is certainly how several academic books were written. This is certainly how felicitations distributed. And this is certainly how society evolved.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Curious Case of the Term -> Fact-Checked w.r.t. Social Media

There’s difference between Occurring & Triggering. Whilst former could be natural unanticipated, latter is deliberate. Covid’s origination is still a mystery. And thanks to severe initial lapses & distortion of reliability & trust, now all could gain benefit of doubt of their own theories of origination whilst the rest could be discharged. And henceforth, if you witness more spying everywhere, don’t get surprised.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

What’s Relinquished Unheard!

Contending or condemning, always,
Never bring contentment but discord;
Reason why herein in this Modern age,
Never fought invisible enemy but crawled.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The RE-Search Factor in the Present Covid Crisis

There’re many who interlace Invention, Research & Discovery.
So, as I wrote in one of my old blog few years back, difference is as underneath:

  •         Invention is Discovery ++ || RE-Search ++;

  •        Discovery is Exploration (By mere Presence or Observation with the help of any Invention or RE-Search); &
  •         Research is RE-Searching, RE-iterating, what’s first Invented or Discovered.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Stallion

A thoroughbred Stallion that fought,
Not once but many, no battles ever sought;
What shined from afar, a dark horse,
Always in race, against it was not.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Request to Conspiracy Theorists

The other day I watched conspiracy theories regarding Covid & surprisingly, some were convincing whilst some absolutely entertaining. So I decided to think from point of view or mindset or perspective of any conspiracy theorist, to generate a decent response & request as cited underneath at the bottom.

Monday, May 4, 2020


In a well once so deep,
Lived frogs, were sheep;
Sight of stars only, beyond,
Spent nights with melancholy songs.

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Unearth those protagonists, who were erased,
From graving endangered buried in grave;
Smitten when gone but not in shame,
Look those protagonists, worth being famed.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Is there ray of hope?

Collective minds veil ray of hope?
Unbalanced unchained on tight rope!
Unforeseen what when surprise all,
Crafted expressions on facets would fall!