decision to hide likes is applaudable w.r.t. Social Media. When an Egg
or an A** starts breaking Social Media Records further projected by MSM, then certain concerns indeed ensue regarding
Recipients', Content & Evolution itself. And further is anticipated that All
Social Media Accounts would be Authenticated Verified reflecting the User's
Country of Origin too for the Reasons explicated in my Earlier Blog.
I am not that Extrovert, so why be on 'Social Media' OR Technically, am I
even a Part of this Term (At an Individual Level)? As I use some Digital Platforms principally
for Publishing My Original Content (Poetries
/ E-Books / Long Poems / Blogs etc.), so technically, I ain't
a 'Social
Media User' BUT a 'Self
Publisher' who uses few Digital Platforms for Self Publishing
Original Content / Materials which could be considered as good as Publishing
from Random YouTube Videos to leafing through selfsame platforms, bifurcated
Materials into Two Segments:
· Knowledgeable; that unfolds how much
Research, Efforts & Time were put into those Videos or Contents that Illumine(d)
us too in terms of Specific Knowledge;
· Original OR Creative;
· Shared Selfies OR Pictures.
· Conspiracy theories that cannot
ascertain conclusions;
· Selfsame Contents;
· Unnecessarily Roasting of Individuals;
· Innumerous Reviewers;
· Unending MISUSE of Victimhood
vide Victim Card;
· Distorting Facts. Engraving Fictions. Concocting History;
THEREFORE, at an Individual Level, the term 'Social
Media Users' should be only Restricted
for those Who PRINCIPALLY Chat or
Interact Online, Exchange Views, Build Connections for Both Professional or
Personal Purposes OR those who Amplify OR use any platform in accordance with
Part Second mentioned above. The rest are Self Publishers in
accordance with Part First OR Para 2 as elucidated
herein above.
Pranav Chaturvedi 2019