Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Perceiving Jungle is uninhabitable, one shalt not sulk,
Or sheath itself under melancholy or abandon;
As fate may be circumstantial; can be corrected,
But what if dead Lion in Jungle, no more be resurrected?

Why Empires fell that never foresee to one day, fall?
Why Kingdoms weren't shined under sun but stars?
As Kings succumbed to 'Equality,' mistaken this belief,
That Jungle wasn't inhabited by Hyenas who seize bestowing scars!

And wherein the Legacy of Ameliorated Kings ended,
What descendants never took forwarded but amended;
There're are many contenders but can't replicate 'One,'
As could be taught theoretical but never be embedded.

A Jungle may live in distress but one must never escape,
As those momentary concerns will vanish in its own pace;
But with no Ameliorated Traits of any King, it never thrive,
Sans any Sub Strata, if rules, all shalt be stood Bastardized!

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2019