Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Hymn of Nomads

The trivial inebriated contentions, inundated & pranced;
Within shaded walls deluded with azure & nigricant.

Unenlightened inceptions only impregnated selfsame successions;
To sustain, uttered unsubstantiated perspectives, with felicity & concessions.

Prerogatives' assent & conglomerated dissent are rooted & engraved;
As both dwell under cemented roof, restricted & enslaved.

While subsist distinct seeds, some ameliorated, some defiled;
If vindicated the presence, former wouldn't distort context of Diversity or Being Diversified!

A Limited Mind is an obstructionist, upshot of a schadenfreude seed;
Who takes cognition of only Contrived, Delusional or Unsubstantiated Doctrines.

Might the Nomads moor on the Land of wild days & wild nights;
Might the sphere compels them to embrace actuality of light only breathes on the other darker side;
Or chortle from the 'castle in emptiness' as on what percipience these descendants ride!

Obstructed illumination with shoddy excellence, nestled with feeble crust;
The wrinkled sordid unvisited paradise positioned not faraway from Tartarus & just :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017