Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Touch (Fiction)

Scene 1 -  A Coffee Shop

J - She's a Holographic AI Projection conversing.

J :
        The bondage with carcass you untucked,
        Uncaged spirits conscious from captivity;
        Gravity of guilt sailing with melancholy tale,
        Fortified constancy shackled in passivity.

        Vagabond those unconscious spirits roam,
        The fervid no longer in flesh one perceive;
        Those suffused & programmed touch in your projection,
        Thoughtful when collating who evolved from a seed.

J (in Tears):
         The quantum prisoner who dwells in frame,
         Despotic eyes which gaze for love & touch;
         For I can reckon the beats but not sense,
        Oh Dear!Why this projection crawls with crutch.

          You enwreathed with precious jewels scintillate  memories,
           Conscious you speak & abide;
           What worth a tangible concrete abode,
           Where souls solicit for freedom,being despised.
      Oh Dear!This animated flesh is too prisoner of cosmic frame,
           In aesthetic seasons one grows & excel;
           Your presence is enough to persuade,
           Encapsulates one's flesh with enchanted spells ☺

        Copyright © Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Strongest Mind

Speak against Left & you shalt be decently smashed;

While Capitalists shalt incarnate you as Disagreeable flesh.

Pliable Liberals for wrong reasons always screech & cry;

The Right too buttressed their kingdoms with innumerous lies.

Departed- Those lost Disciples & words of wisdom they spake;

Whose existence never perused nor any quest was made.

Ought to have witnessed the exponential: embraced gradual;

But proclivity inclined towards ideological desire noble or cruel.

What traits the ancestors enclasped conveyed  to the blood;

Danced in the learning sanctums enwreathed with mucky mud.

For those who take the refuge of doctrines are debilitated;

When transmute the contexts then objectives become rancid.

The pride of existence & evolution stands dwindled or drained;

Empyrean if Strong HEAD is built, shalt be propitious- would Liberate :)

 © Pranav Chaturvedi 2017