Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Lost Disciples

Had they been objective non-partisan, if inexactness they had decried;
Disciples they were, or weren't, who unreasoning personified!

Where the Land is indigent its inhabitants learned odious traits,
Where survive the affluents, unfurl dismay never liberates;

For even the sages shalt once question the one who possess helm,
Who could not decimate the afflictions why hides in cosmic realm?

The encoded path which streamed till gateway of felicity,
Was an unsubstantiated truth or a rationale propensity!

For emancipation, for conception of a new world, many descended, 
But the messages passed were grafted, contorted & amended;

We seek for the enlightenment & wisdom from the texts,
Which then were engraved from the noises of abstracts;

Temples of Learning to impart wisdom were built and conceived,
Which transmuted into Academia, ideological bunkers for Poor, Rich or Elites;

Those Lost Disciples who carried the deciphered context,
Who wouldn't want their descend on the land where failed even wise men :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017