Scene 2: A Coffee Shop
So you existed when subsisted no flesh
or sphere,
Or any other animated Being in this dark
cosmic despair!
Mr. G:
And what qualifies you to be the flesh, son,
to whom I shalt unfold?
Truth or myth, about the indomitable; ratify
the stories that were told;
To question the myth or truth is not a
sin, or is it Dear Mr. G?
For isn't it that knowing the reason or purpose
sets the soul free?
Mr. G:
Ain't hurt son, when someone questions
the faith!
when that trust trembles what was once infused in the flesh, to create;
Then no wrong in forgetting for good; shalt blameth not me,
No longer their hate shalt be
restricted, would expand; won't disagree!
Mr. G:
Learn to let it go! Indeed! But learnt from
whom? Learnt from thee!
Then proposition no wrong if proffered
to let go; from this covenant, set me free!
And what effect would be on belief, when
knowing about universal ark!
Whether truth ends with a name or remains
unexplored beyond a marge;
Illuminate! And there shalt always be
beautiful minds around!
Not from those academic stews where
Politicking flesh buttressed by projectors are found;
But where one shalt go, whom to look for,
when enwreathed in affliction or travesty?
Mr. G:
For all is made of Cosmos, son; Answers
lies within thee!
Be like an Ocean, even if one gets encircled
with filth or hate,
Those who dwell besides, shalt chant with
pride; but you never cross the ambit, follow its trait;
Now let's set aside this conversation: beginning
or where it ends,
And enjoy the bestest taste of nature, poured
in Mocha Grande :)
© Pranav
Chaturvedi 2016