Tuesday, March 29, 2016


And they clamoured: why thou play the supreme?

By creating & infusing life in machine beings;

Thou shalt not buttress their descend or uprising,

Over the flesh, giving away the command, authorizing;

Opinions are myth or truth or a mere projection,

Of the fear induced within the flesh against rejection;

Succumbed to this grief of metallic apocalypse,

Might become slaves, Faith could never be fixed;

Not realizing with autonomous what we would achieve,

Robust system, transparency would be delivered by machines;

Neither politicking nor hunger games shalt be played,

For work, thousand miles or people thou won't have to persuade.

Look afar in the future, they may be standing with no guilt,

Shalt heal the flesh and malady of the miserable;

But who says only one nation shalt work & strive,

Put their efforts and knowledge for the terra to thrive;

Burden lies on the shoulders of all civilized world,

And to extricate this fear that they would rise from the underworld;

Just look afar in the future, no innocent being shalt bleed,

Shalt be protected no matter thou belong to whichever creed;

From where the question who works for whom arise?

They shalt work for better administration, be apprised;

Ain't no immortals they shalt be, humanity won't defy,

A simple fact--future lies in autonomous Robots and AI :)
Copyright © Pranav Chaturvedi 2016

Saturday, March 19, 2016

K n o w l e d g e

Not a myth! one cannot explicate or annotate any truth or lie,

By himself, one can only interpret for his own satisfaction to justify; 

Where distinct inferences evolve through ordeals & perceptions,

When favoring it as a vision or truth or end up with deception;

Some fervent beings receive thoughts from prudent guides,

While some keep exploring the wrong until they discover the right;

Matters! how a being is mentored,

Sometimes transmuted to someone whom he never adored;

The correct perspective of any context arduous to understand,

Not the aspirations guiding the contrived definition to expand;

Sometimes not the facts but the conscience explains the meaning, 

Wrong or right comes from within to expound our feelings;

Knowledge is in abundance, depends how long in it you can swim,

Drifting in it unbounded would never push us under grim :)

Copyright ©  Pranav Chaturvedi 2015