Thursday, October 9, 2014


So, wouldn't it be preposterous to conduce in the acceptance of someone’s Values in a more superior approach by the existence of mere fact that the social judgment relied on the conception of singularity with no inferences made from divergent understandings and thoughts, narrowing to what are the essentials or basic things of great significance that needs to be fulfilled as requirements, especially leading to one important aspect: existence and projection of his/her representatives in the form of kindred descendants, Clan or other Menage in the Social Arena? So when, this individual bloke with his/her descendants or whoever kindred to same tree, complete the Holy Accomplishments, would be projected as the beholder of Superior Values even if his caring and giving’s are limited for his clan or tree only. But could this Theory be Justified? Or could this person if in Social Arena, projects himself as a caring bloke towards his/her lineage or household Members and give justifications, as he too being kindred to a Family, thus impliedly making this being the beholder of good Values. Would be right? Not Necessarily!!

But if you scrupulously observe, these blokes are being considered in the social arena subsisting with good values by mere following the herein supra guidelines.

It is an unwarranted truth that has been accepted so far but not so good. Precisely the truth might be is when we confuse ourselves and amalgamate ‘Responsibility’ and ‘Values’. A Bloke devoted and kindred towards his own clan fulfilling the adjudged social necessities are ‘Responsibilities’ not ‘Values’. But how far he has gone or one would stretch himself/herself, engulfing the wrongful or righteous demeanor to accomplish the adjudged necessities, that is when the seeds of Values are sown. And from the point when that demeanor was evolved while adopting theories to justify one’s standing and standard in the Social Arena to establish his/her persona, is where one should evaluate Values and not by mere succumbing to some adopted measures which are nothing but Responsibilities.

The crestfallen part is in the social arena, especially the projectors within the system, endorses the concept of former supra propositions or hypothesis as the barometer to adjudge one’s Values which is Not deplorable but sorrowful.  
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