what’s Positivity? An Unprincipled Man with Bad Conduct & Conscience but
with Good Repute is Negative or Positive? Well the answer would be proportional
to how much you justify your own conduct. And the thesis of justifications pursued
by the said entity would decide under which ambit the said homosapien falls.
And on almost all occasions that would be Positive.
the further distinction could be made between the Good and the Great. Obviously
people don’t remember Good. But Being Good is the Crossover to the journey
towards Being Great. You can’t be Bad to be Great. But verily, it again depends
upon the implied justifications surmised by that said entity taking his conducts
and perceptions as measurement. But don’t expect any Error Analysis coming out
from the same. It’s free from any Error. Would be six sigma analysis with
negligible variations.
if we meticulously read the transformation of the word Positivity, the said
word is mutated and altered into Negativity. Though we generally don’t accept
the same taking cognition of the measurements made from the distinct justifications
minus the absolute errors of ours, but certainly the sanctity of the word positive
has been transmuted to its antithetical.
Copyright © Pranav Chaturvedi 2014