Tell me one parent or
guardian who guide their children saying-“son, it’s a beautiful world. You can
move out freely, live honestly and you’ll be a successful man".
Whether rape or corruption
instances or subsequent comments by some important people on the same in
general has confounded and forced me to conclude, if the Darwin's theory is reversing?
Evolution started on this planet
overcoming the concept of transmutation of species, slowly but surely from
non-life to purely naturalistic modification from common ancestors into human
transformation with natural selection that took place with these 2 pounds of
brain. Human beings confidence as being the most civilized, generous among all
animals on this planet.
But if you perceive the
extremity of the recent corruption and rape cases,
its arduous for me not to have this perception that the evolution theory of Darwin is changing, as we becoming animals again
with no life but with a callous.
More precisely, turning of the
vehement and obnoxious notions of a human against human.
Has anyone heard any parent
telling their children to be honest coz only that would bring him/her peace and
success? What is taught is dishonesty, selfishness and ignorance of
humanity for success.
Whether it’s a condition of a woman in a
corporate especially for a single woman and more precisely of a needy woman or
may be of a woman on streets or furthermore notion of irreverence within a man
against man or a man against woman or woman against woman, perceiving these
only corroborate that the world wants us to become wolves to survive any
office, society, street, city or country.
May be we are mutating the
alternate description of the natural selection which is the survival of the fittest originating in
evolution theory as per our needs.
But only time will tell us
the importance of what being a real human really meant with 300 gm of heart!
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